
This is indeed such a precious time to be looking into how you can eat, prepare and orient yourself in the best possible way to welcome your little one into the world!

At Birthvillage, prenatal care begins once the pregnancy crosses 12 weeks. Couples can contact us via our social media inbox to receive guidance in how an online/in-person appointment may be set up.

Prenatal appointments at Birthvillage are scheduled for an hour to ensure ample time for your questions. Our policy of informed consent means that we give you all details and information to help you understand and make educated decisions that are suitable for you and your baby for all testing, procedures etc.

Prenatal Appointment Schedule:
12-28weeks : Monthly checkups at the center/ online appointments with the midwife. Outstation clients will go to a local care provider of their choice and have the online appointments with us, and share all tests/scans/reports with us at regular intervals for our files.

28-36weeks : Twice monthly checkups at the center/online appointments with the midwife.

36-40weeks : Weekly checkups at the birth centre.

Post 40 weeks : Twice weekly checkups at the centre.

The midwife is always available for phone calls to address concerns between appointments.

Outstation clients will need to be in our city by Week 36.

What is a midwife appointment like?
Visit includes, but is not limited to : Discussing midwifery model of care, limitation of out of hospital birth, client responsibilities, care costing and payment schedule, informed consent given.
Personal, medical, obstetrical and family history
Physical exam including blood pressure check, urine analysis, measuring weight, abdominal palpation and measurement for fundal height and baby positioning, monitoring fetal heart tones.
Order lab work for prenatal tests.
Advice and information on available genetic screening.
Advice regarding diet, exercise, vitamin supplementation, and normal physiological changes in pregnancy.
Answer questions and address all queries and concerns

Prenatal Care for all:
Mothers who may opt to birth at any other institution can also avail of our prenatal care appointments. This will be a supportive program that actually gives you a full hour to engage and ask your questions and have a holistic team who can offer you support and guidance till Week 36 of pregnancy to ensure your pregnancy is a more positive, informed and empowering one.