Aditi: We had questions about pregnancy that our gynec wouldn’t answer. Sebastian: From the moment we walked in the door, I realized that Birthvillage was special. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming and Priyanka was extremely gentle with us but direct and firm at the same time. I could also see that Aditi was extremely comfortable and I was certain that all our doubts, and apprehensions about pregnancy would be answered.

Prenatals @ Birthvillage Aditi: Our prenatal visits went from 2 min BP and weight checkups at the hospital to hour-long sessions where both Priyanka and Kate would feel and listen to the baby. They wanted to know everything that I was going through both emotionally and physically. We felt this magical connection with our baby. Sebastian: At the very first prenatal, Priyanka was feeling Aditi’s bump, and the next thing I knew I was feeling the baby’s head!! What an amazing experience! I think it was the first time I truly realized that I was going to be a father.

Lamaze for Mammas and Pappas Sebastian: This was a real blessing. I didn’t have the time to read up on everything prenatal. Lamaze was the perfect solution. We learned about everything there is to know about prenatal care and Priyanka insisted we do our homework as well. I’m no expert, but by the time Aditi’s contractions started I was informed enough to support her. Aditi: The best thing Lamaze class gives you is a peer group of expecting couples. As a result, we cover the entire range of questions and answers that most couples come up with. Classes are interactive and fun.

Water Birth Aditi: I love water. I was swimming regularly throughout my pregnancy until Priyanka suggested that I start walking to help the baby descend. My instinct told me that the birth pool was for me. The six hours it took me to get from 4 cm to 8 cm I was in and out of the pool several times trying different positions. Eight concerned eyes watched me, encouraged me. Caring hands massaged me with Arnica oil. Abu tells me they even had to grab me several times as I dashed for the water. While Kate, Priyanka, and Amber gave me no hints as to how well I was doing, Abu was the expert, guiding me and cheering me on. At 11.30 pm I even looked at the clock, thinking, if this goes on for another half hour, he’ll be born on Vishu day! In the final moments, before Ekalavya was born, they explained to me that with a bit more work on my cervix, I would feel his head emerge. As I ran back to the comfort of the water and mustered the energy to give that last push, I could only think how grateful I was to be able to give this to my child, what an amazing father he has, who are these three kind ladies who patiently helped me birth anyway? Sebastian: I was so efficient I couldn’t believe it myself. From the start of her contractions, to reaching Birthvillage, to supporting her when she started pushing, and finally seeing the baby, I can still remember every moment like it was yesterday. I wouldn’t change a thing. Priyanka, Kate, and Amber were incredibly supportive and gave the right inputs at the right time. The best bit, was that it was entirely Aditi’s show and she was a champ. Thank you BV for a memory of a lifetime




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