Unsure. Frightened. Sara stepped into her prenatal with fear writ large in her dark eyes. When asked about why she skipped eating dinner for the past few months. She thought that would be the way for her baby not to grow or for her to look smaller. She reported feeling dizzy and unwell. Healthy food choices, exercise, regular prenatal care, counsel lots of love helped her to grow physically as well as mentally. She started talking to her baby asking her/him to help her when the time comes. Being a book lover she read voraciously about labor and birth and declared to us “I would like to use water for my labor”. We agreed. At the end of an exercise class, We asked”Is there something special that you would like to eat” “Chinese food and noodles” Great let’s go…. We tucked in till we could burst while she had mild cramps on and off. Later that night the first phone call came in at 10:00 p.m with her cramps coming every fifteen to ten minutes. She smiled through them and said she would like to wait some more. (Her maturity struck us from deep within, in an era where women are nervous at the mere mention of the word PAIN) She came in a little close to midnight with Cristelle who massaged and helped her with her needs all throughout labor. It was amazing to see how she stood tall and would then bend forwards and sway with contractions as she was performing the lead as a warrior princess in a Zulu dance. She birthed with courage and dignity with loving hands supporting her. A beautiful little girl was born in the early hours of the morning. (who continues today to be cared for today at a foster welfare home.) A few hours later she asked, “Chechi, can I have a ladoo”? Sara was no longer the girl who we first met few months who was emotionally distraught through pregnancy via rape at 15 but is a survivor who was strong and sturdy and ready to deal with the world. She looks forward to getting back to school soon. Epilogue We also take this opportunity for the mothers who donated their breast milk and helped us nurture our little bud. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We also wish to thank donors who have donated financial aid to Thejus home. Your gifts are greatly valued and have helped us and the girls greatly in their time of need.