As my pregnancy was pre-planned, I researched for a place where I can have my hubby along with me during the birth of my child, a place where he could support me wholeheartedly without standing in a corner, and to my surprise, I found a place where I was offered with 2 gifts. The first gift which was that I can have my hubby along with me during labor, plus another gift  – birth naturally without any interventions!!! To birth, this way, was a dream for me as I have never been hospitalized in my life and couldn’t imagine a better way to birth with complete freedom. After I got pregnant, I went straight to Birthvillage with my family. We had our first session with the midwives. My family was a bit skeptical in the beginning, but after the session, they were fine and so my journey to Birthvillage started with great hope and a steady mind. For every single class and appointment, I headed to Birthvillage from Ranny where I and my hubby lived. Each Lamaze class pooled us with a lot of evidence-based knowledge which made our journey even smoother. As I moved into Ernakulam during my 5th month, I got a wonderful opportunity to join BV exercise classes which is my favorite part and I also got super cool momma friends there. Luckily, on Oct 17th, ie., exactly a month before my prince charming was born, my hubby got transferred to Ernakulam, which added more joy to life. And finally, the most awaited day checked in on Nov 17th at midnight around 2:30 am with mild pains in my lower belly. I tried to get into bed but soon after 3:30, mild contractions started. My husband, who is my pillar, gave me strength and massaged me throughout. When the sun rose, I informed my midwives about the pain.  She asked me to walk around and to have a lot of coconut water. The contraction eventually went up and down just like waves washing on a shore. After 9:00 am contractions came to every 20 minutes, then it came down to 10 minutes by 10:30 and by 11:30 to 5 minutes. We informed our midwives and started from home with an already-packed baby bag and with fruits & coconut water. My midwives welcomed me with a lot of love and support as soon as I entered into Birthvillage. My hubby and I entered the birth room (the room that I grew in strength at every prenatal) where our god’s gift is about to come. There was a point when I was requested to be examined. However, before anything could be done, I declined the vaginal exam which they respected. (I am not sure in how many places this would have been accepted without any ego) The long-lasting support, powerful encouragements, massages from the angels out there and from my love, gave me a lot of courage to bear the pain .. and so I tried sitting on a ball, standing, walking, and the birth stool. By 2:00 pm my water broke like Woosh!!! After that, contraction followed even more strongly and we tried different positions birth stool, squatting, standing, etc. My little one who had a steady mind started heading down. I slowly felt strong surges and I started pushing him down and finally at 4:07 pm as I chanted Ganapathy!!!, my little prince charming was born. He came with the umbilical cord wound around his neck, not once, but twice. He even had his hand tucked very close to his head on his way out. My midwife unwound him slowly and handed me, my baby, straight to my chest – skin to skin. The most wonderful moment in my life. Then my hubby cut the cord – the moment which will be treasured forever in our heart. Not once did he leave my side.

One thing I realized is the power of a woman to give birth. Yes, nothing is impossible for a woman. The contractions are intense but to birth on one’s own terms in the position of one’s choice is indescribable. There were moments when I was quiet and some when I was in high spirits, and at times with full energy using my sound all powers within. And more than anything else, I could just be Me… Did I forget to mention that I am just 21(If I can do it so can you)!!

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