Naturopathy, natural birth why, and how it worked for me! A while after my first son was born, which was in a hospital and the labor was induced, I got introduced to Naturopathy and it was a turning point in my life. I got to know more about my own body, how diseases are caused, how I need to trust the body’s natural processes, healing, and others, and most important of all, how modern medicine with its most modern contraptions and medications more often than not hinder body’s natural processes rather than helping them. I also learned that anything that is not natural in pregnancy and birthing is not good for the baby and the mother. I had also heard about birthing at home itself with your loved ones around, without any medical interventions. Despite knowing all this, when I found out I’m pregnant the second time, we consulted a care provider which was often the set choice for most women. But I didn’t take any supplements that she gave me, instead, I took care to include foods in my diet which would give me iron, calcium, and other nutrients naturally. Although I wanted to birth at home, it seemed impossible because my husband and my mother were not comfortable in case there was an emergency. Then out of sheer luck, I heard about Birthvillage from one of my friends and I checked out their webpage. Then I called Priyanka and we discussed everything about my pregnancy so far. From that conversation, I got convinced that she knows what she is doing and after informing my husband (he was out of station) I decided to go to BV and see Priyanka. Thus my mother and I went there and it was the most wonderful first time meeting any pregnant woman can hope for with her care provider. It was my 8th month and since I was consulting another care provider I had gone for monthly checkups which were always waiting for 1 hour plus and consultation for 5, maximum 10 minutes. If you ask any questions the doctor treats you like ‘you don’t know anything so better leave all these to us, you just do as we say and we will ‘make’ you deliver safely’. I’m not implying all doctors are like this, but this was my impression whenever I consulted mine. Maybe it was because they really don’t have the time to explain everything to each pregnant woman. It was not at all like this in BV. Each consultation would be really fun, relaxing and you can ask anything related to pregnancy. Priyanka encouraged me to trust my own body and also the baby inside. Then there were classes conducted by her for both pregnant ladies and their husbands, in which she showed us all the birthing positions we can take while in labor and how husbands can help us relax. She had told us not to come immediately after the pain started since there is a chance that it could be false labor. So one night throughout, I had mildly painful contractions and I chose to wait and see how it was progressing. The next morning it was gone and when I called Priyanka she said that my body might be getting ready for the labor. That evening, contractions started again and this time it was gradually increasing in intensity and frequency. I called Priyanka and she said I can come down. Thus we went around 10 pm and our midwives were right there. One thing I didn’t like at all during my first delivery was, the doctor and then the nurse checking frequently for dilation, it was really painful and uncomfortable. So I was really happy this time in BV that when asked whether I wanted to be checked for dilation, I had the choice to say no if I didn’t want it. Another important aspect of delivering in BV was that I was not forced to lie down on the bed throughout my entire labor. I was free to choose whichever position I found comfortable. Another thing I didn’t like in my first delivery was that when I reached full dilation, the nurse was instructing me to push, and when I pushed she was telling me I was doing it wrong. How could I push the right way when I didn’t even feel like pushing. I had opted for waterbirth (that was my wish with my first pregnancy but didn’t happen), so when I felt an urge to push I told Priyanka, she made the tub ready. I got in and within 10 minutes, I pushed my baby out into the water. The whole labor was around 6 hours with around 1 hour of intense pain. and midwife caught my baby and took him out from the water and kept him on my bosom. Ah! that feeling, bliss! Later after the cord stopped pulsating, it was cut. I needed stitches and this too was because the first time I had undergone episiotomy which in BV they say is unnecessary unless absolutely required. I was home that night itself. The next day Priyanka came to check on the baby and me and helped me with breastfeeding him. The overall experience in BV was kind of magical and I would never forget how they made me feel in my most vulnerable moments. It was with compassion, love, and understanding as opposed to an impatient, sometimes rude, ‘oh! for god’s sake, don’t cry’ kind of attitude that a birthing woman most of the time gets in a hospital birth!. Whenever I doubted my body’s ability to withstand the pain, Priyanka supported and encouraged me with a ‘yes, you can’. She said it with so much confidence that I trusted her. I would recommend this ‘BV experience’ to all women who would like to have a natural birthing experience