Pregnancy is ideally an absolutely creative and joyful time, it is a wonderful time to immerse into yourself, into processes happening in your body, it is time to talk to your baby. In reality in the majority of modern clinics care providers treat pregnant women as ill individuals, of course, with the best intention. With two miscarriages in my health card, there were almost no chances to give a birth in a clinic without any interventions, nor in Russia neither in India. I strongly believe that a natural birth process is important not only for a baby’s health but also for its future: character, behavior, ability to solve difficult tasks and just live in this world without fear and in harmony and happiness. The BirthVillage Center turned out a happy discovery. From the first minute I loved everything here: amazing people, the approach, the atmosphere of joy and easiness. I thank my beloved husband for giving us the opportunity to give life to our baby at BirthVillage. As for my experience, I started attending Active Momma Workout (which I miss a lot) from the fifth month of pregnancy and up to the end. Our exercise mentor a wonderful woman and senior midwife, generously shared with us not only physiological knowledge and information about nature of a woman but also gave advice (which I use in daily life) how to become more confident, eliminate stress and achieve balance and harmony. The exercises were funny and active, full of positive emotions and joy like herself (I thank her from the bottom of my heart). In the process of childbirth and contractions I intuitively started doing exercises and squatting which we’d done at Active Momma classes. It came naturally and helped to soothe the pain and not to concentrate on it. Breathing as well was coming from the memory somewhere from the depth of my sub-consciousness. A week past my said due date…. My body was trying to take the right position right from when Tangible practice contractions started on October, 29, which means that I felt pain every day, almost 6 days in a row. I couldn’t sleep and felt desperate at times. Warm showers helped for a short period of time, but everything repeated again and again and it seemed it would last forever. At that time support of my husband and BirthVillage team were a priceless gift as during my moments that I felt low I wanted to give up and go to regular health care institution and just be done!. In those moments I remembered my exercise class affirmations that we repeated at every class, “I am a strong and confident woman”, this helped to survive those days. The childbirth itself was a fog for me. During several days of practice contractions, me and my husband wanted to go to BirthVillage for a couple of times but when the active phase really started it was hard to differentiate whether it was or wasn’t. I’d been dreaming about giving a birth in water but nature decided otherwise, water was too relaxing and contractions waned off, I had to leave the pool. Of course, it is hard to predict what it will be like and plan beforehand. I remember when I was absolutely exhausted and was filled with despair, One of my midwives told me at this moment that“there is no other choice, ever forward and that it’s worth it!” It put me in a state of shock for a few seconds but after this phrase the process went faster. In my view a very important thing is that there is no anesthesia or painkillers in BirthVillage so I knew beforehand it is no use waiting for “help” from somewhere. So I was already aware there will be no favors or a way out, and that I have to go through the process from the beginning to end. Honestly, I couldn’t do without my three strong midwives and, of course, my husband.I must also mention that i birthed hands and knees without a tear. Life with a Baby. Now we have a wonderful baby and no pain can compare to happiness of holding him in arms and stroking his curly hair. In BirthVillage there is a lot of love and warmth, light coming from spaces and amazing, real women. I love all of you and can’t thank you enough for everything you do! After having such experience, it is hard to imagine giving a birth to a baby in a hospital. Without friendly support and encouragement and belief that you can really do it without anesthesia and external intervention, not to mention the postpartum support, texts, messages day and night . It seems, me and my husband changed during childbirth and I know it was a challenge for him, not easier than mine. I am very thankful to him for great courage and support at all steps of pregnancy and childbirth. In the evening when we sit in front of our sleeping son absolutely exhausted and we never thought of how this tiny three-kilo creature could so quickly drain the energy out of two big adult people! Woohoo, welcome to parenting!and Breast-feeding journey ahead… Love Ekaterina,Sumit,Nikit Bv notes This mamma has all 3 B’s in place- Brave, bold and beautiful She was so open to discovering that labor wasn’t what her friends talked about or the numerous chats on social media groups or what google doled out. It was a path that each woman had to discover for herself. She moved and led the way as she birthed like a strong lioness. Her husband always stood by her side even during a very tiring 6 day marathon of latent labor. Bithvillage misses you a lot already and we are wishing you lots of happiness and love into the future. N.B-Having mentioned about 6 day trial that this mamma faced she never looked a bit out of place post birth infact much fresher and radiant than any of us.If you don’t believe us check out the pic below that was clicked with baby 6 hours after birth.Birth gives you a high like no other!)