For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13-14)
It fills our hearts with joy as we cherish this wonderful gift from God, our second child ‘Niyesvi Sanjesh’. Thank you Priyanka, Amy, Bincy, Donna and all at Birth Village (BV)

We had our first baby Sneyasvi birthed at BV. After experiencing excellent care and support here, it was always on our hearts to be here when we have our second child, although we wanted to seek God’s guidance before we decided. We contacted BV in the first few weeks of pregnancy. As usual, they were so supportive in helping us draw a plan for this birth. With a 2 year old daughter with us, it was not going to be easy to manage consultations, moving to Kochi (from Bangalore) towards the end of pregnancy and so on. But all worked out well, some things just in time. We did come for our consultations to Kochi, our moms taking care of Sneyasvi back home. As usual, our midwives were there to monitor, support and answer our queries.

Knowing that Sneyasvi was born at 35 weeks we had to be careful. Throughout the pregnancy, we had our queries and concerns attended to by P on the phone or during consultations. I had pains in the 27th week and we were worried. Priyanka was in Toronto, Canada that time attending ICM Triennial Congress (International Midwives Association). Even from there with the time-zone differences, she as guiding us on phone We consulted a gynaec in Bangalore. We were worried for the next few days. I had been advised to rest it out by complete opposite of what I was supposed to do till then. In my first pregnancy, I had exercised, walked, taken flights of stairs and so on, though lesser than what I would have wanted to. But still I had exercised. This time, I was worried if by body would be ready for labor without this preparation. And yes I could start exercise after 36th week, and that was some consolation. We planned to move to Kochi at about 35th week, but I wanted to get there earlier. Finally we moved in the 34th week. We came for the consultations and were so happy and relieved to be here. My rest time still had to continue, so I was confined to being indoors most of the time.

After crossing 36th week, I was planning to slowly get into the exercise mode, starting with a short walk.

In the 37th week, my waters broke after about midnight. We called out midwife immediately and she asked us to monitor. The contractions started. Being in touch every once in a while, sometime around 2:30 at night she asked us to come to the centre in the morning. And they were there, ready for us. The midwives asked me to move around, walk etc. But the contractions were taking time to pick up. Having lost sleep the previous night, They suggested that we can take a nap. They came and monitored us regularly, while we got some sleep that would help us to be ready when contractions pick up.

The whole day passed by. At about 6:30 p.m, we thought it would be a good idea to go and eat out, which They agreed. We wanted to wait for a short time more before deciding whether to go back home and continue at the centre. It was a nice time to hang out, and we called the midwives from there and said that we would go and come back later. We headed home, had dinner and went to sleep. Late night, at about midnight, the contractions were stronger. We immediately informed Our team and started for the center. The midwives got only a short time of rest at their homes, and yet they were there back at the centre before we reached.
We were into business wasting no time, and I tried different positions for the labor to proceed.

I tried the birth stool with my husband pressing and massaging my back. I was sometimes lying down. The midwives suggested me to catch hold of the ropes. I was holding on to the ropes for some time, and then I wanted to go on to the floor, and catch hold of my husband for support. So he was there towards my front holding me, and the midwives on the other side. Within a few contractions, our little one was out, onto Priyanka’s hands. We broke into tears and thanked Jesus. baby was onto my chest immediately, and we latched her shortly after.

My husband cut the umbilical cord, and took care of the baby while we tried to birth the placenta. It took longer this time. Bincy also arrived in the meanwhile. helping us thereafter.

We had our post-partum care as house visits and consultation at the centre. As we left Kochi, we missed Birth Village, and still do so. We want to thank God for this wonderful place.. Thank you once again, Birth Village.
Bv notes
We remember conversations about pre term labor and how strong and determined this couple was that they would make it to 36 weeks
It’s not easy when it came to travelling from Bangalore with pre-term pains and a 2 year old but such is their commitment towards the birth of their choice that they braved all odds
And there you go you get what you seek whole heartedly
Such an honour to serve you and your family
Love Bv .

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